If you are looking for more answers, you may try the resource links below. If a link does not work, please send us an email as to which link and when you tried to access it, so that we can resolve it.
Disclaimer: Templo & Templo is not connected in any way, shape, or form, or affiliated with, sponsored, endorsed, approved by, any of the government agencies or organisations listed on this page. The contents of Templo & Templo’s website neither has been authored by or represents the views or opinions of the government agencies or organisations listed on this page nor do they promote our services. The links to their sites are provided merely for informational purposes only. The linked resources below may contain information and graphics that were were obtained from their specific websites in compliance with their linking policies.
United States Citizenship and Immigration (USCIS)
USCIS Fee Calculator – If you need to determine the most up to date fee you have to pay for your immigration application so avoid rejection of your application due to submitting incorrect filing fees.
USCIS Online Filing – If you want to create a USCIS online account and file your application online. Using this secure online filing system, you can get helpful instructions and tips, avoid common mistakes, and pay fees online.
U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) – DHS.gov (www.dhs.gov) is the online source for credible homeland security information. It is the official website of the Department of Homeland Security. The DHS has a vital mission: to secure the nation from the many threats faced. Their mission gives them five main areas of responsibility: guarding against terrorism; securing borders; enforcing immigration laws; improving readiness for, response to, and recovery from disasters; and maturing and unifying the Department.
USCIS Compilation of Laws, Regulations and Guides
U.S. Customs and Border Protection – CBP.gov (www.cbp.gov) – is the online source for credible border security information. It is the official website of U.S. Customs and Border Protection. It is the unified border agency within the Department of Homeland Security charged with the management, control and protection of U.S. borders at and between the official ports of entry. CBP is charged with keeping terrorists and terrorist weapons out of the country while enforcing hundreds of U.S. laws.
U.S. Immigration and Custom Enforcements
Executive Office for Immigration Review
Employment and Training Administration
VISA Bulletin
U.S. Embassy and Consulate Information

Social Security Administration (www.ssa.gov) – If you want to receive personalised estimates of future benefits based on your real earnings, see your latest Statement, review your earnings history, request a replacement Social Security Card, or check the status of an application.
U.S. Department of State – If you are in the U.S. or Canada, you can call 1-888-407-4747 or (202) 501-4444 if you are overseas.
U.S. Embassies and Consulates – If you have been a victim of a crime outside the U.S., you should contact the nearest embassy or consulate having jurisdiction of the country you are in. The embassy will be able to assist you coordinate with the local police and hospital and also keep in your relatives in the U.S. updated with your status.
Federal Voting Assistance Program – If you want to vote but are overseas.
Overseas Citizens Services (OCS) – To report persons who are missing while abroad. You can also reach them at toll-free hotline at (888) 407-4747 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (EST) M – F. At all other times, call the duty officer any time at 202-647-4000.
Office of American Citizens Services in the Department of State – To report a missing American citizen child believed to be in the Philippines. You may also call (202-736-7000) or the American Citizens Services Branch in the U.S. Embassy.

USA.gov (www.usa.gov) – If you need to find official U.S. government information and services. It is the official web portal for the U.S. government.

USA.gov en Español – El portal web oficial en español del gobierno de los Estados Unidos.
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